Do you enjoy broadening your knowledge of world affairs? Are you curious about how global events impact your local community?
Join one of our programs to expand your knowledge about international affairs, geography, history and culture, while broadening your knowledge and networking with other globally-minded people.
Check out some of our great programs.

ICWA Global Speaker Series
Indiana Council on World Affairs invites experts from different parts of our world to share their insight and knowledge on engaging global topics.
Presenters include persons of national and international sensibilities and prominence, such as: scholars, book authors, diplomats, political leaders, and business executives.
Meetings are open to both members and the public.
Our ICWA Global Speaker Series are currently open to anyone living anywhere in the world as they are all being held via online webinar.
The talk starts at 7:00 PM ET with interactive Q & A following the presentation.
Click Below to Learn More:
Great Decisions Series
Gain a better understanding of the complex world in which we live by participating in the Great Decisions program.
The series focuses on current events and topics covered by the Foreign Policy Association's Great Decisions Briefing Book.
For each event, experts present information as well as insight, from various perspectives, on current international events.
Purchase your own copy of the Great Decisions Briefing Book from the Indiana Council on World Affairs so you can read ahead and more closely follow the key themes covered by each presenter.
Click Below to Learn More:

Academic WorldQuest

Academic WorldQuest™ 2025 - a Global Education Experience - Free!
This study program and competition encourages today's students for becoming globally aware peace builders in a wide range of careers.
More than 3,000 high school students from across the US compete in the World Affairs Councils of America's Academic WorldQuest competitions organized by more than 40 local world affairs councils.
Indiana Council on World Affairs competition is free of charge, and 2025 is the 21st year of awarding a team's travel to Washington, DC for the national competition.
To prepare for the competition, the FREE Official Study Guide gives students and teachers direct on-line access to articles, interviews and videos to broaden understanding of complex conditions of global significance.
This fast-paced, interactive, game-style quiz of multiple-choice questions on ten topics tests world knowledge about geography, history, culture, and current world affairs.
Teams of four students, along with an academic coach, compete among Indiana high schools while networking with globally minded peers from around the state.
Any one school may include as many students as there are students who are interested in studying world affairs.
To be held at the University of Indianapolis on February 22, 2025. Lunch is provided for students and teachers at no charge, and lunch is available for purchase by others.
In addition to the students and teachers, friends and family, the public are encouraged to attend this engaging academic competition. Let's learn together!
Save the date for AWQ 2025: February 22nd!
Academic WorldQuest™ 2024, 100+ Teachers and Students. The winners!

Indiana AWQ 2024 - 1st Place
Carmel High School - Team 7
4th Place National Competition

Indiana AWQ 2024 - 2nd Place
Carmel High School - Team 2

Indiana AWQ 2024 - 3rd Place
Jay County Jr.-Sr. High School - Team 1

International Adventures
International Adventures is a social program where ICWA members and guests visit ethnic restaurants, attend festivals, movies or some other cultural program.
For dinners, the proprietor often discusses the menu to give us a cultural background of the food served.
It is a way to support Indianapolis' diverse international community as well as to learn about various traditions in an authentic environment.
Together we celebrate the unique, different areas around the world. With lively conversations, we enjoy dining and other experiences.
Join us!